
  • Generation Z recruitment gets intensive with campus career fairs- two smiling youth volunteers with blue volunteer shirts

Generation Z recruitment gets intensive with campus career fairs

Generation Z recruitment gets intensive with campus career fairs. Recruiting volunteers from Generation Z has become a strategic focus for many organizations, and campus career fairs are emerging as powerful tools for connecting with this socially conscious and tech-savvy generation. Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z individuals are redefining the traditional volunteer landscape, driven by a desire for meaningful engagement, skill development, and social impact. Organizations seeking to attract these young changemakers must go beyond generic calls for help and demonstrate how volunteering can contribute to their personal growth. Career fairs on high school campuses offer the perfect venue to make these connections. High school provides an ideal landscape to fill open internships, recruit club leaders, and pitch skilled project volunteerism. At career fairs, nonprofits and volunteer-driven organizations have the opportunity to engage Gen Z students face-to-face, sharing compelling stories of impact and tangible benefits of getting involved. By [...]

By |December 21st, 2024|Categories: Member Share, Resources and Samples|Tags: , |Comments Off on Generation Z recruitment gets intensive with campus career fairs
  • Networking is Volunteer Engagement Gold

Networking is Volunteer Engagement Gold

Networking is Volunteer Engagement Gold Networking is Volunteer Engagement gold and we have the key strategies to meet your outreach and recruitment goals. With volunteer recruitment being the biggest need within the profession, developing your networking skills might be your solution. SAVMA's Roundtable Discussion on Networking identified key strategies: Key Strategy: Do your homework Before you attend an event, find out who will be in the room. If you cannot find out the specific individuals, get a general sense of the audience demographics from the host so you can build a plan. If you are attending a Chamber of Commerce event, you might want to meet business professionals that can join your Board of Directors. Compare that to attending a Public Health Awareness event where your goal might be to meet professionals of industry for your advocacy team. Getting a sense of who will be attending an event, or who [...]

By |March 7th, 2024|Categories: Connect with Your Peers|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Networking is Volunteer Engagement Gold