Sign In and Manage Account
Includes Lapsed Members (up to 3 years)
Once you sign in and manage account, view your profile page, additional contacts page, your history page (this will show open invoices and how to pay them) and your sign out page. If you do not see these tabs, you are likely not the primary account user. If this is the case you will need to email SAVMA Leadership to make changes to the account and ensure you are so authorized.
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Sign In and Manage Account Payments and Invoices
Primary account holders are the only authorized payees. Members can download template invoices from the Members page of the website, for those members needing to pay by check. Members paying by credit card can pay directly through their member account. Event and programs accept payments directly through registration and allow payments via check if time permits. Please register early if your organization plans to pay via check. SAVMA leadership understands the complicated nature of securing payment from nonprofits and is happy to answer any questions from CEOs or board members via email at You can manage your open invoices at this page.