Get Involved

Support Those Who Support Volunteers

Volunteer Manager, volunteer administrator, or volunteer engagement professional, all roads lead to the staff who support the volunteer program, so we encourage you to get involved. Join SAVMA for the member benefits, to support volunteerism, to make an impact in the volunteer engagement sector, or to broaden your brand reach. Your membership will help those who support volunteers. Thank you for getting involved.

Join Our Membership

Whether you are new and considering joining or a renewing member, SAVMA’s mission is to promote and support your needs and to be the best in the field of volunteer management! The ever-expanding list of benefits is located on our Join Page. 

Support Volunteerism and Volunteer Engagement Professionals

A growing body of research shows the health benefits of volunteering reduces rates of depression, but especially amongst older adults. Additional benefits include; skills building, deepening of personal relationships, deeper social connections, and better overall physical health than their non-volunteering peers.

“Volunteering is a fundamental building block of civil society. It brings to life the noblest aspirations of humankind – the pursuit of peace, freedom, opportunity, safety, and justice for all people.”

“This vision can best be achieved when there are people who make it their primary responsibility to provide leadership in the management of volunteer resources, whether in the community or within organizations.  These “leaders of volunteer resources” optimize the impact of individual and collective volunteer action to enhance the common good and enable humanitarian benefit. These leaders are most effective when they have the respect and support of their communities and/or their organizations, appropriate resources and the opportunity to continually develop their knowledge and skills.”

As adopted by the International Association for Volunteer Effort in the Universal Declaration on the Profession of Leading And Managing Volunteers 

Get Involved and Advance the field of volunteerism

Present to SAVMA

We are looking for professional development programming to inspire new thinking and action around rapidly changing and competitive volunteer landscape, and operational and strategic tools for building strong volunteer programs. Programs are the third Thursday of every month at 3:30PM.  Presentations are 30 minutes with 15 minutes of Q and A. Find additional information here.

Sponsor the Profession of Volunteer Management

SAVMA welcomes general underwriting, program and event specific underwriting, or sponsorship of the SAVMA Awards. Contact us to discuss

Are you Looking for Volunteers?

Volunteer managers engage volunteers to the best of their abilities. If an individual is not a fit within their organization, they refer them to other organizations. SAVMA supports this effort by maintaining robust partnerships with the local volunteer center and volunteer matching software programs. Three such programs are Volunteer Match, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona’s Volunteer Center and Green Valley/Sahuarita Volunteer Clearing House. If you are seeking volunteers please connect directly with those organizations or with SAVMA members through the directory.
