Community Service Recognition: Maureen McCarthy

In January, SAVMA celebrated volunteerism at the 2020 SAVMA Awards, a volunteer recognition event for all of Southern Arizona. Organizations were invited to nominate individuals for a Community Service Recognition in honor of their exceptional giving and spirit of service. Throughout the month of April, we will be highlighting these individuals and their nomination as part of VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION MONTH!

Maureen McCarthy: Advisory Board Member and Past Chair of Green Valley Sahuarita Volunteer Clearinghouse

“Maureen McCarthy, CVA, just retired after 13 years as Senior Recreation Supervisor at Green Valley Recreation where she managed over 2,000 volunteers. She still manages their volunteer program as an independent contractor.

She has presented workshops at the Arizona Parks and Recreation conference, Volunteer Administrators’ Academy at the Arizona Summit on Volunteerism and Service Learning and at SAVMA.

Maureen has a history of over thirty years either managing a volunteer program or volunteering, herself. She is a member of the Green Valley Sahuarita Volunteer Clearinghouse Advisory Board and serves on an ad hoc committee to improve volunteerism and volunteer advocacy in Southern Arizona. She also serves on the board of the White Elephant Thrift Store and chaired their annual parade of over 100 entries this year.

Maureen has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and Advertising from San Jose State University.”

Maureen McCarthy


Maureen says, “I love my job working with volunteers!”

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