ADT is offering Coaching for Engagement

Coaching for Engagement is being offered by ADT, a member of the BBB (SAVMA Member) and they have invited us to join, at a reasonable cost of course.

BBB conference room 5151 E Broadway Blvd #100, Tucson, AZ 85711
Date: 04/28/2016 9:00 AM UTC-07:00

Ar your employees engaged? Are your motivation techniques getting little results?

There are 3 key reasons why employees become disengaged. This workshop will help you understand:

  1. Why disengagement happens
  2. Techniques to create a new culture
  3. Obstacles you’ll need to overcome
  4. Best practices to engage employees

Having the tools to help your team is critical for your success and stress relief! Temporary – ‘flavor of the month’ solutions are temporary, and continuing to use them can erode the culture of engagement you want to build.

$50 includes workshop, materials, and continental breakfast

$40 for local ATD members

Instructor: Terri Sinclair

Terri is an accredited ICF (International Coaching Federation) coach. She coaches hundreds of leaders in multiple industries. Her techniques deliver real results. Ultimately she helps people understand and adopt change in their organizations so technology implementations can achieve return on investment and business goals.

More information and online registration click here>>>>>>>> Terri Sinclair is Coaching

While registration is long past for this program, we recommend you look to our program and events page to look for future programs. 
