Workshop Presenter RFP deadline for submission – June 10, 2016

Are you an expert in the field of Volunteerism, Civic Engagement or Service-Learning willing to share your talent and expertise with our field?

  • Best and/or promising practices?
  • Great tools and resources?
  • Tracking of volunteer/student outputs and outcomes?
  • Program administration or development?
  • Conducting outreach to sustain ongoing engagement?
  • Is your program adept at cultivating program advocates?
  • Matching volunteers/students to the right positions and providing effective training for their roles and to work with each other?
  • Implementing supportive technology?
  • Effectively communicating and sharing impact?
  • Building partnerships to increase community engagement and reach?

The Summit provides an opportunity for leaders and representatives of Arizona’s Volunteer, Civic Engagement and Service-Learning communities to further develop and foster their skills to better serve Arizona.  In 2015,the Summit was attended by over 500 community leaders, educators, young people, businesses/ corporations, foundations, and other professionals.  

Workshop Presenter Request for Proposal

Proposals are sought that will engage volunteers, volunteer managers, service-learning practitioners, public and private educational institutions, civic education groups, youth groups, government agencies, non-profits, youth groups, community and faith-based groups, National Service Members, citizen corps groups, service clubs, corporation and business leaders in preparing for a new age of volunteerism, civic engagement and service-learning in our communities. Workshops will be 75 minutes long and attended by 30-70 participants.


Please click the link for additional information and to complete the Workshop RFP:


 Summit Workshop Session Request for Proposal

 Workshop Presenter RFP deadline for submission – June 10, 2016

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Exhibit Hall Request for Proposal
The Exhibit Hall will again be a vital part of the Summit on Volunteerism and Civic Engagement. It gives participants the opportunity to engage face to face and learn about initiatives, organizations, services and products available to the volunteer, civic engagement and service-learning community.
The Summit seeks exhibitor proposals that will share information and provide opportunities for participants who will be interested in learning about service opportunities, learning about new tools and techniques, learning about trainings and other professional development opportunities, learning about development and fund-raising opportunities, etc.
Exhibitor activities may include providing organizational/issue related information, recruiting volunteers, advocating for your organization/cause, products to sell that would be of specific interest to our audience, providing give-aways/marketing materials,  facilitating tabletop activities or games, drawings or raffles, and offering program flyers and brochures, catalogs, order forms, materials and/or publications.
Last year, participants represented 42 communities and 170 organizations, that included nonprofits, K – 12 schools, community colleges, universities, AmeriCorps State and National programs, AmeriCorps VISTA programs, Senior Corps programs, and local, county and state government.
Please click the link for additional information and to complete the Exhibit Hall RFP:
 Exhibit Hall RFP deadline for submission –September 1, 2016
Volunteerism – Assessing organizational/community needs, effective practices volunteer program organization, management & supervision, training, recruitment, retention, recognition, collaborations with community agencies, liability and safety, mentoring, developing advocates, utilizing technology to get involved, current volunteer trends.
Service Enterprise — Relating to one the key characteristics, including: mission-driven design, committed organizational leadership, aligned resource allocation, tracking and evaluating volunteer results, sustaining ongoing volunteer engagement, raising funds in support of volunteer engagement efforts, offering effective training, volunteer on-boarding and supervision, effectively using technology and partnering to extend reach.

Civic Engagement – Working to make a difference in in the quality of life of our communities by developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, motivation combined with positive action to make that difference.

Service-Learning (S-L) – Connecting service with academic curriculum, using S-L to teach Arizona College & Career Readiness Standards, 21st Century Skills, or other curricula; establishing service projects to connect to learning;  integrated and stand-alone S-L courses;  S-L implementation;  research involving impact of S-L on academic success; data collection and analysis; classroom & non-traditional S-L settings; critical reflection; innovative & easily replicated S-L projects; national trends in S-L; etc.

Community Issues – Facilitate a conversation and/or share your expertise in a compelling issue faced by Arizona communities today. Session goals can include, how to get involved and how to help address & alleviate the issue. Examples of community concerns: substance abuse, foster care, violence against women, human trafficking, hunger, homelessness, equal rights for all, high school graduation, inequalities in education, criminal justice, etc.


Exhibit Hall Request for Proposal



Past Sponsors and Exhibitors:
Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits
Area on Aging, Region One
Arizona Coalition for Military Families
ASU Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College 
AVACA – Association for Volunteer Administrators of Central Arizona 
AZ TV7 – Cable 13  
 Ben’s Bells 
City of Phoenix
Corporation for National
and Community Service  
Dignity Health
First Things First
Florence Crittenton
Governor’s Commission

on Service and Volunteerism
Girl Scouts Arizona  Cactus-Pine 
 Harkins Theatres
Maricopa County Guardian Review Program
Mesa Community College – Center for Community and Civic Engagement
Peace Corps
red balloon
Salvation Army
  Senior Corps 
SAVMA – Southern Arizona Volunteer Management Association
The Be ONE Project    
 The Volunteer Center At the United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
United Food Bank
United Way of Pinal County
Valley of the Sun United Way
Wholonomy Consulting

