Community Service Recognition: Erik Reed

In January, SAVMA celebrated volunteerism at the 2020 SAVMA Awards, a volunteer recognition event for all of Southern Arizona. Organizations were invited to nominate individuals for a Community Service Recognition in honor of their exceptional giving and spirit of service. Throughout the month of April, we will be highlighting these individuals and their nomination as part of VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION MONTH!

Erik Reed – TEP Power Cat

“It is our pleasure to nominate Erik Reed for Community Service Recognition. For many years, Erik has been an amazing volunteer although you might not recognize him out at our events as he is often “in disguise.” Eric is one of our dedicated PowerCAT mascot volunteers and is an undefeated mascot in dance off competitions. When not representing TEP as PowerCAT Erik’s soft-spoken personality might fool you – but put on that mascot suit and this man comes live as a dance sensation! He’s also the first to give hugs and high-fives to children of all ages at local community walks, at holiday light parades, and other events where he can bring his furry face to represent our company. This is not an easy task when you’re in a heavy fur suit with a huge costume head and it’s 110 outside.

Several local community organizations resonate with Erik’s passions. You might find Erik out of his costume swinging a hammer at Habitat for Humanity, packing boxes at the Community Food Bank, attending events for Mothers Against Drunk Driving and supporting the American Cancer Society to name just a few. When TEP is able to have Erik at an event, as either himself or PowerCAT, it always makes the activity so much better. Erik really does power our company and our community.”

Erik says, “I like to volunteer because it makes me feel accomplished, especially when it’s an event to help those who are less fortunate than us, I feel satisfaction in my heart just thinking that I might of made a difference in somebody’s life for the better. Whenever I volunteer, after the event is over I feel like doing more, it becomes addictive. I love being Power CAT because it melts my heart when I see a child look up and see their little eyes and faces light up when they see me. It’s also very heartwarming when I see the same reaction from adults. Plus, I get to make faces at people and they can’t see me….”

Mark Brown: Community Service Recognition TEP Logo